How Long Does CPR Certification Last?

As a medical professional, it’s up to you to do what you can to keep your skills and knowledge up-to-date. CPR certification is an important part of this process and one that should be taken seriously. The American Heart Association recommends that all CPR certifications need to be renewed every two years, but some think they should be renewed yearly as well. So how long does CPR certification last?

CPR certification generally lasts for two years, after which a person must renew their certification.

The American Heart Association recommends that CPR be recertified every two years.

This recommendation is based on the fact that it is important to refresh your skills and keep them up-to-date, especially if you are a healthcare professional.

A refresher course can help you make sure that what you learned in your initial training is still relevant and up-to-date. It’s also a good idea to attend an AHA class with other people who work in your field so that you can compare notes about any new developments or changes in protocols since last time.

You can take a CPR course every two years to maintain your certification.

If you want to keep your skills up-to-date, you can always take a course as often as necessary.

The first step is to understand the duration of the CPR certification. A CPR CERTIFICATION LASTS FOR TWO YEARS. However, some workplaces require ongoing certification and therefore require their users to recertify every two years. Plan your renewal training at least six months before your certificate expires. Even if you don’t need to renew your CPR certification, it’s still beneficial to keep your skills up to date.

Some online CPR courses can help you recertify.

If you have the time and interest, these might be a good option for you. They’re convenient because they allow you to study at your own pace, and they can be less expensive than traditional CPR courses. These online classes are designed to refresh your skills, not teach them from scratch, so it’s important that if you choose this route, you already have some hands-on experience before starting the coursework.

Online CPR courses are also a good way to refresh your skills without having to take another full course. They’re convenient because they allow you to study at your own pace, and they can be less expensive than traditional CPR courses. These online classes are designed to refresh your skills, not teach them from scratch, so it’s important that if you choose this route, you already have some hands-on experience before starting the coursework.

Some states support the idea of annual refreshers because it keeps the information fresh in people’s minds and encourages them to save lives.

However, other states feel that CPR certification should only be renewed every two years or so. For example, most states require a certified healthcare professional to demonstrate proficiency with their skills at least every two years. The same rules apply to school employees who may have to renew their certification if they are working with children who are younger than 18 years old.

Most people would not be able to save a life more than two years out of practice.

The human body is not designed to be able to do this for extended periods, and even the fittest person will start to experience fatigue after long periods of exertion. While you may still be able to perform CPR if you are out of practice, likely, your performance will not be as good as someone who has been practicing regularly over that same period. This means that when something like this happens in real life (and it does), there’s no guarantee that you’ll be able to save someone because they’d have been dead before then anyway.

The human body is designed to be able to do this for a short period only. Even the strongest person would tire after just five minutes of constantly pumping on someone’s chest.

Many hospitals will require their staff to refresh their CPR skills yearly, even if the AHA does not require it.

How often you need to refresh your CPR certification depends on your hospital’s policies and how frequently they conduct refresher courses.

Some hospitals have a yearly requirement for all of their employees, while others only require it if someone has been on staff for less than one year or so. If you’re in a clinical setting where doctors and nurses are constantly coming in and out of rooms, it might be likelier that someone working there won’t be around long enough to expire out before needing another refresher course anyways!

The medical field changes rapidly, and new technology and changes in statistics should be taken into account when learning CPR.

For example, you must get a new certification every few years if you want to keep up with your skills. The more recent updates mean that your certification will be valid for longer than it would have been otherwise.

It’s also worth noting that some organizations require renewal every year instead of every two or three years, so make sure you check how often your certification expires before signing up for classes!

The current recommendation is to get your certification renewed every two years, but yearly refreshers are also encouraged.

It’s recommended that you renew your certification every two years, but annual refreshers are also encouraged.

This is because CPR certification expires after two years and requires refreshing to maintain your skills.

When you’re looking at the options of how often advice should be given, it can feel like there’s no right answer. However, when it comes to CPR certifications, there’s a good reason why they include renewal dates: they’re designed to be used in situations where lives are on the line.


The AHA recommends getting your certification renewed every two years, but some online courses can help you refresh your skills. It is important to stay up-to-date with changes in the medical field so that you can save lives when they are needed most!